It was great to see all of the Rapport3 clients together, discussing their individual experiences with Rapport3. The two events provided a fantastic opportunity for the Rapport3 users to network with fellow professionals within Architecture, Engineering and Construction industries. We were very happy to witness several discussions between users about how they make the most of the project management software and sharing tips on ways of working.
We have received some fantastic feedback on the day. Gary Gardiner, Financial Controller for new client McCrossan O'Rourke Manning Architects, remarked "It was great to meet the team and to understand the improvements that Cubic Interactive are making in terms of future development. Really looking forward to getting this project underway."
Similarly,Stephen Dolphin, Senior Associate Solutions Analyst at Stride Treglown
commented "Thanks for another fantastic user group! It’s really great when you guys bring extra people who don’t normally get much face time. We continue to enjoy how much your company ethos and approach aligns so well with ours and we’re still so happy to have partnered with you."
Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend. We look forward to a new decade and seeing how additional businesses utilise Rapport3 to improve their company processes.
If you were unable to attend these latest events but would like to know more about what was discussed, we will be running a webinar to cover the important points on Monday 24th February.