Since launching Rapport3 in Australia earlier this year, we have gone on to win pan-Australian architects, i2c , and Melbourne-based architects, k20. It has been great to see how some of our Rapport3 modules are really helping businesses out, especially in the current climate.
Rapport3 is an ERP solution aimed at the AEC industry, currently standing as a market leader in the UK with nearly 200 customers. Although Rapport3 also includes project accounting , resource planning , CRM and HR , below are three areas that Australian customers have been particularly excited about:
With a comprehensive birds-eye view of the project conformance, Rapport3 QA ensures each step in every project is checked meticulously. Our QA module provides a checklist of documents and determines actions based on the templates you create. Then, tasks can be assigned to relevant people on the project depending on their team role, and can vary from providing documentation, checking data, or providing manual confirmation of a task.
Our Rapport3 purchase ordering platform is integrated with purchase invoices for optimum efficiency, with a quick and clean approval process. This allows for the easy creation of Purchase Orders, with an optional one or two stage approval process, based on your preference. You can create purchase invoices from existing purchase order details using a new wizard, and view all purchase orders in one place with our handy panel.
Our intelligent Gekko Email Management module ensures all project emails stay organised and easily locatable. It integrates with Rapport3 and allows whole project teams to pool their emails together to find relevant emails throughout the project, acting as a fantastic resource for collaboration. Mobile-optimised, with an Outlook add-in, and able to integrate with your existing email system, Gekko enables email organisation to be a quick, simple and automatic process. With over 15,000 users, Gekko is revolutionising email administration across practices worldwide.
Sound interesting? Then get in touch for a free demonstration and trial.